This is a list of all the available shortcodes included in the UltraSeven theme. You can create unlimited variations using them. You might also want to check out our shortcode plugin for more shortcodes like buttons or boxes For the WooCommerce shortcodes please refer to this page:
1. [ci_slider posts="1,2,3"]
Creates a fancybox slideshow with your requested posts. The “posts” parameter accepts your post IDs.
Example use:
[ci_slider posts="80,82,78"]
2. [ci_from_blog posts="" title="" columns=""]
Brings your latest articles. You can set a title if you wish and the number of articles to bring by the posts attribute (single integer). You can also specify in how many columns your posts will be listed in (single integer).
Example use:
From The Blog

The Right Baseball Bat
When it comes to choosing the right baseball bat, parents need to keep some important things in mind. It is not simply a matter of going into the store and purchasing the one that has the most appeal. Height, weight, and age needing consideration.
Baseball Drills
When it comes to youth baseball, there is no better way than to get the kids together and have a good old-fashioned backyard drill. In the forum of the backyard, a coach can cover many topics such as holding the bat properly, the swing, and body movement.
Baseball Rules for Beginners
There are several basic rules of play in baseball. These rules remain constant throughout the game of baseball, although they may differ slightly from one league to another. A baseball game consists of two teams competing against one another.
Baseball Tips for Parents
Before participating in youth baseball, it is essential to determine up front whether or not this is something that your youth wants to do more than you do. Many a parent, with good intentions, has come before you and eagerly signed up their youth on a baseball team.[ci_from_blog posts="4" columns="4" title="From The Blog"]
3. [ci_row]content[/ci_row]
Used before and after every column (either for the [ci_column]
shortocde or for use in WooCommerce product listing shortcodes.
<div class="row"> your content here </div>
Example use (bring the first 4 best selling products from your store in 4 columns):
[ci_row][best_selling_products per_page="4" columns="4"][/ci_row]
Important Notice: Always have ci_row wrapped around your WooCommerce product listing shortcodes.
Nesting rows will need the use of [ci_row2]
for level 2 rows and [ci_row3]
for level 3 rows. It is important not to use [ci_row]
a second time within itself as it will break the layout of your shortcodes. Example: [ci_row] [ci_row2] level 2 content [/ci_row2] [/ci_row]
4. [ci_column span="four"]content[/ci_column]
Used to create columns. You can create any combinations you need having in mind that the theme uses a 12 column grid. This means that the span parameter will take the following values: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and a special value of five-col to create a 1/5th column.
Example use:
[ci_row][ci_column span="six"] Your content here. [/ci_column][ci_column span="three"] Your content here.[/ci_column][ci_column span="three"] Your content here.[/ci_column]
Important Notice: Always use the [ci_row]
when using the above shortcode.
5. [ci_offer url="" title="" button_text=""] Text [/ci_offer]
Used to create boxes.
Example use:
Your Title Here
Your Content Will Go Here
Your Button Text Here[ci_offer url="" title="Your Title Here" button_text="Your Button Text Here"]Your Content Will Go Here[/ci_offer]
6. [ci_big_title]Your Title here[/ci_big_title]
Creates a fancy title.
Example use:
Latest News
[ci_big_title]Latest News[/ci_big_title]